Where do you live?
Midtown Atlanta. Work frequently takes me to Texas, California, Northwest, New York, and North Carolina.
What brought you to Pacifica?
Pacifica brought me to Pacifica. In dreams, the actual place itself called and revealed a place where spirit descended into matter, creating new life. Turned out to be so. Was hoping to become a Jungian Analyst with training in Zurich. Pacifica far exceeded that dream, and any educational experience I have ever had, which includes the Sorbonne, Harvard, Middlebury College, and Georgia Tech.
How has your Pacifica degree served you professionally in your occupation or your vocation?
A current client — Chris Knapp, CEO of Chilton Capital Management (1B assets under management) in Houston, Texas — was asked by the founder of a 650B mergers and acquisitions firm (a mentee of my father’s): “What are you working on with Ann?” Chris replied, “I hired Ann to bring soul to my company.” While I was in Jungian Analysis for seven years prior to Pacifica and have a highly developed personal approach to my work, combined with 30 years of entrepreneurial experience, Pacifica is a cornerstone of every encounter in my work. In fact, I recently brought the top management team of Chilton to Pacifica. Their visit was part of an “Aesklepion” — what I call corporate offsite intensives, which open the clients to the dreamtime in natural, creative, spiritual, archetypal, and astrological expression.
How has your degree served you personally?
The joy of archetypal life hosted at Pacifica grounds my personal worldview, permeates my theoretical and practical work. Pacifica created an ensouled container for an enantiodromia experience, which liberated my life path toward a current expression that I find ultimately and authentically satisfying.
What was a particularly meaningful or memorable part of the Pacifica experience for you?
The place, the people, but, first and foremost, the professors. There were also a couple of pretty wild parties, musical performances, and papers written that stand out in my mind. Someone in my class knitted a flesh-colored hat for Allen Bishop with the words “Good Breast, Bad Breast.” I wonder if Allen even still talks about object relations theory. I love what he is doing with music therapy now. It’s that irresistible creative impulse toward transformation, exploration, individuation, and beauty, that archetypal knowing that loves paradox — this is what’s most meaningful for me from the Pacifica experience.
What is the title of your dissertation?
Anima Mundi, Libido Mundi: Re-membering the Hypnertomachia Poliphli.
Would you like to mention any other publications?
Just a couple of things on the web: Amor Mundi: The Ecopsychological Imprint on Deedra Ammani’s Art; Lessons from the Hypnerotomachia for the National Association of Horticultural Therapy. Working on a book about my father’s legacy, one of the pioneers of management consulting and mentor to many of the Fortune Top 50 retiring CEOs; working on two other books relative to astrological and archetypal approaches to business. Stay tuned!
What are your areas of interest?
The moment I am in right now — birds chirping at night, a honey badger fetish, and Seamus Heaney’s The Redress of Poetry waiting at my left elbow and an almost clean writing pad at my right. Beethoven’s The Consecration of the House overture playing, the stars begin their blinking, and a new moon in Pisces, rising, sextiling Jupiter. Imagine all the possibilities…