1st Place Winner of the VA Palo Alto Health Care System 30th Anniversary Creative Art Festival
Ramp Ceremony
In the form of a whisper we hear: “Attent–hut!”…“Mark time… march!”…”For…ward…march!”
Time stands still as…
42 Marines move forward as the Marine Corps’ Hymn commences:
“From the Hall of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli …”
42 Marines move to the whisper of cadence… “left/right/left” .
“We will fight our country’s battles in the air, on land and sea…
They move in a tight formation through the straight path made for them leading to the plane…
42 Marines move to the whisper of the cadence… “left/right/left” .
“First to fight for right and freedom and to keep our honor clean;”…
Time stands still as…
42 Marines move to the whisper of the cadence… “left/right/left”.
“We are proud to claim the title of United States Marines”.
Moving through the cold, wind, and rain at Kandahar Airfield on this downcast January day…
Time stands still as…
42 Marines move to the whisper of the cadence… “left/right/left”.
“Our flag’s unfurled to every breeze; from day to setting sun”…
Moving through the rather large crowd of VIPs, officers, and enlisted; ignoring the surrender of our salute…
Time stands still as…
42 Marines move to the whisper of the cadence… “left/right/left”.
“We have fought in ever clime and place, where we could take a gun”…
Onto the ramp and into the belly of the plane…
Time stands still as…
42 Marines move to the whisper of the cadence and come to a halt.
“In the snow of far-off Northern lands and in sunny tropic scenes, you will find us always on the job The United States Marines.”
On order, 36 Marines lower six caskets draped by American Flags.
Time stands still as…
They depart the plane in rigid silence…
Our salute still rendered.
– Written by Colonel David D. Rabb
“Semper Fidelis” (Always Faithful)