Passion for Building Community

Project Promise reflects my strong passion for building community and providing our alumni/ae a dedicated vehicle to honor and share our mission to tend the soul of the world — a purpose synonymous with Pacifica. Project Promise offers our pledge to partner with other institutions of higher learning, students (current and prospective), and alums to create a world-class learning experience and career development.
This “feeder-styled program” operates in collaboration with many of California’s top community and four-year colleges. Have you ever noticed that most college rankings focus on four-year schools, letting equally valuable alternatives like community colleges fall off their radar? Not so in our networking model.
I call on our 3000+ alumni to come forward with vigor, dedication and passion. To that end, I offer you three steps that will boldly showcase your pride and passion for Pacifica.
- It takes a decision to become a Promise Leader
Join me and make the decision to become a passionate Promise supporter. We each must first decide that we are going to be passionate people. Being precedes doing. My friend Andrea Huebner once told me, “You make a decision and then you let that decision make you.” Embrace qualities of thought and attitude that embody our Promises. - It takes the leadership of will
Feeling passionate about our Alumni Association and our various programs comes easy. But exerting the will to serve and grow it comes much harder. Yet our will determines what we become. Strengthen your will every day by doing something new — like getting involved in Project Promise! - It takes vision
Vision produces passion with incredible intensity. Vision gives you energy to put in the hard work required to achieve your dream and keep working hard when you feel like quitting!
These three principles form our foundation. I am honored and deeply grateful to enjoy the mentorship of George Thurlow, Assistant Vice Chancellor Alumni Affairs, UC Santa Barbara, and others in this endeavor. Together we embark on building not just an alliance but a promise. Ultimately, our efforts will heighten student enrollment, provide career opportunities, and build bridges to community for dedicated education professionals who tend the soul of the world.
Through your efforts, you not bring Pacifica into the world: you give of the very essence that created the Pacifica legacy. Alumni of Pacifica, you once again lead the way.
Feeling inspired? Please contact me at 805.879.7303, or email me at [email protected].