Pacifica Graduate Institute

Dr. Joseph Coppin and Dr. Elizabeth Perluss Faculty
Presenting on archetypal approaches to ecopsychology, on “rewilding” depth psychology

Dr. Christine Downing (Faculty) with Gustavo Barcellos (Visiting Scholar)
Downing presenting on the sister archetype, Barcellos on the brother archetype, followed by discussion between the two, then audience interaction
(Offered to Pacifica community and the public)

Dr. Safron Rossi, Dr. Glen Slater (Faculty) with Gustavo Barcellos (Visiting Scholar)
Presenting a follow-up on August 2015’s conversations on archetypal psychology and mythology which took place in Brazil
Dr. Stephen Aizenstat Founding President and Chancellor
Presenting on his post-Jungian approach to working with dreams and tending the living images, known as Dreamtending
Roberto Gambini (Visiting Scholar)
Presenting on portraits of suffering trees—the destruction of nature and the transformation of consciousness
(Offered to the Pacifica community and the public, with a special reception)
Dr. Angela DeVita (Pacifica Alum)
Presenting on the psychology of traveling abroad—a therapist’s perspective
- A private tour of the Opus Archives and Research Center (home of the Joseph Campbell and James Hillman collections, along with other scholars in the fields of depth psychology and mythology) by archivist Jennifer Maxon
- A private tour of Pacifica’s Lambert Campus by Marshall Chrostowski, Pacifica’s land manager for over 26 years
- A private tour of the Joseph Campbell and Maria Gimbutas Library by Richard Buchan, Special Collections Librarian
- Six nights’ accommodations at Pacifica’s Ladera Lane Campus
- Eleven meals on campus presented by Rincon Catering Company
- Special meals arranged off campus at famous Santa Barbara restaurants
- Shuttle transportation to and from various tourist venues including the SantaBarbara Urban Wine Trail, whale watching and other boat trips, outlet store shopping, the world renowned State Street in Santa Barbara, etc.
For more information, contact Dr. Jennifer Selig at [email protected] or Camilo Francisco Ghorayeb at [email protected]