Dear Pilgrim-Visionary,
The “Magdalene Mysteries and Path of the Blue Rose” Pilgrimage travels to the heart of the Languedoc in SW France and Northern Spain, September 24th – October 3rd, 2017 – please see below for both an Overview and for a more detailed Daily Schedule (together with photos) and with Reading Suggestions for those interested.
This soul journey seeks to unify imaginal encounters and dream work, history and legends, delicious local wines and culinary arts, and musical salons, with visits to sites sacred to the MM and Blue Rose traditions, a pilgrimage to the heart of the spirit in matter, in order to deepen into ways that we are called to become ‘Water Bearers’ in the emerging age of Sophia.
The group will be limited to 15 participants.
Please check my website,www.veronicagoodchild.com, for an extended bio and other resources, and for further information under the Travel tab, to ‘Pilgrimages’. See also my “The MM and Path of the Blue Rose” article that traces the dream and other events that led to this ‘inner journey in the outer world,’ with links to the article both under the ‘Tour Overview,’ as well as under ‘Recent Posts’ and the Publications tab/ ‘Articles.’
The cost of the Pilgrimage is $3,500 single occupancy (slightly less for double occ). This includes all hotel and breakfasts, 6 dinners, 2 lunches, and 2 concerts (details on Pricing and Practical details doc. that you will receive when you email me).
We need a new story on our beautiful planet, one that includes the subtle world as well as our thinking minds and feeling hearts – you are part of bringing it forward! I look forward to welcoming you
To inquire further about the pilgrimage or to register, please email: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>. You can get the Pricing and Practical Details doc, as well as availability for the tour and the Registration Form directly from me.
With many blessings,
Veronica Goodchild, PhD
Professor Emerita, Author, Jungian psychotherapist