In Events
Dear Alumni & Recent Grads:
You are cordially invited to attend our annual
Los Angeles Area Alumni Summer Gathering
Saturday August 13, 2016
Home of Dana White and Michele Vercoutere
PhD Myth/Adjunct Faculty (Dana)
2623 29th St., Santa Monica, CA 90405
Saturday August 13, 2016
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Dr. Stephen Aizenstat
Dianne Travis-Teague, Director of Alumni Affairs

Pot Luck
Including Dana’s Famous BBQ Smoked Salmon
Co-Host LA Regional Coordinators
Rita Bazeley, MA, MFT
Courtney Shore, MA, MFT
Let us know number attending and which side dish you will bring (e.g., salad, chips & salsa, dessert, fruit platter, etc.)
via phone: 805.679.6163
via e-mai: [email protected]
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