With Best Selling Author, Mark Nepo
February 25, 2022, 7:00 pm (Doors open at 6:30 pm)
Janet Quinney Lawson Capitol Theatre
50 West 200 South
Salt Lake City, Utah, 84101
Tickets available online at https://my.arttix.org/27979/27980
or by calling 801-355-ARTS or 888-451-ARTS.
Beloved as a poet, teacher, and storyteller, Mark Nepo, the New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, has been called “one of the finest spiritual guides of our time,” “a consummate storyteller,” and “an eloquent spiritual teacher.” His many books have been translated into more than twenty languages.
In this talk presented by The Jung Society of Utah, Mark will explore the heartwork required to inhabit our lives by engaging our ongoing relationships to self, other, work, community and Source. The integrity of our heartwork depends on integrating who we are with what we do. Regardless of the service we’re called to, the central questions have always been: How will we inhabit our time on Earth? How can we live fully in the face of death? And how can we love fully in the face of life? This of course leads to other questions: How will we know and be known? How do we hold each other as we tumble along in the story of our lives? How will we care for each other in the face of crisis?
Given the hardships of living through the pandemic, we are called to renew our covenant with life and each other in order to survive the storms of our day and to leave the world more authentic and loving than we found it.
At the conclusion of this event, books will be available for purchase and Mark will also do a book signing.
Reclaiming Our Humanity: Being Fierce and Tender In Our Call to Love
Saturday, Feb 26, 2022
9:00 am -1:00 pm
Saltair Room / A. Ray Olpin University Union
pricing – $125 per person (includes 4 CEUs)
Get your Tickets at: https://bit.ly/3wbVlzW
Workshop Description
Beloved as a poet, teacher, and storyteller, Mark Nepo, the New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, has been called “one of the finest spiritual guides of our time,” “a consummate storyteller,” and “an eloquent spiritual teacher.” His many books have been translated into more than twenty languages. In this workshop, Mark will explore how a life of meaning and love unfolds over time, how love awakens everything, and how care erases the walls we keep building between us.
Every generation and tradition discovers, again and again, that our spiritual journey on Earth is not to strive from here to there, but to unfold from in to out. How we do this is both personal and Universal. But do it we must, if we are to flower and offer our nectar to the world. This journey unpacks and bears witness to the turning inside out we all endure that lets Spirit show its beauty through our humanity.
The central questions, then, are: Will you be a good steward of the portion of Universal Spirit you are blessed to carry in the container that is your life—as well as you can, for as long as you can? And what does being a good steward of your soul mean? What does being a good steward of the light you carry look like for you personally? Given the trying times we are living through, we need to hold each other through our suffering, and to ask for the story that has brought each of us to today, and to complete each other by listening with an open heart.
Every so often, across the expanses of time, a mountain remakes itself, a forest clears itself, and the ocean reshapes its shore. And once in a generation of two, humanity remakes itself, such as we are right now. And such a remaking is both profound and painful. But here we are, being asked to put aside our old hypocrisies and all the ways we have pushed each other away. Here we are, being asked to be fierce and tender in our call to love each other until justice and healing are the same thing. Yet how do we participate in this remaking of humanity? I think one heart at a time, one truth at a time, one kindness at a time. And we can begin by remaking ourselves.
Mark Nepo is a Great Soul. His resonant heart—his frank and astonishing voice—befriend us mightily on this mysterious trail.
—Naomi Shihab Nye, author of You and Yours, 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East, and Red Suitcase
Mark Nepo is one of the finest spiritual guides of our time.
—Parker J. Palmer, author of A Hidden Wholeness and The Courage to Teach
Mark Nepo joins a long tradition of truth-seeking, wild-hearted poets—Rumi, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Mary Oliver—and deserves a place in the center of the circle with them.
—Elizabeth Lesser, Cofounder, Omega Institute, author of Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow
Nepo is a consummate storyteller with a rare gift for making the invisible visible.
—Publishers Weekly