“The Fate of the Dream in the Future of the World”
A Pacifica Dialogue
Depth Psychology, Deep Ecology, and Technology; Who is Dreaming the Dream?
How will the fields of Depth Psychology and Deep Ecology be impacted by emerging virtual and augmented realities?
What are some of the extraordinary possibilities as well as some of the perils that each of us face?
We invite you to join us on Saturday, December 2nd for the presentation: “The Fate of the Dream in the Future of the World” by Pacifica’s Chancellor and Founding President, Dr. Stephen Aizenstat.
This presentation will offer foundational ideas that underpin coursework as well as the mission and core values on which Pacifica was founded. Pacifica origin stories that feature contributions from Joseph Campbell, James Hillman, Marion Woodman and others, will be shared: a) remembering dreams, b) common dream theme meanings, c) re-curing dreams, an explanation/exploration, d) experiential demonstration
Using his internationally recognized DreamTending work, Dr. Aizenstat will offer helpful tools in working with dreams that address the emerging interactions between the Natural World, the Dream World, and Virtual Worlds.
You will experience:
• New cutting-edge dream work (as presented at 2017 Eranos Tagung)
• Free Introduction to Dream Tending for those who enroll for Winter
• Admissions Fee waived
• A Complimentary Dream Tending Book
• A “tool box” – skills and methods of:
a) remembering dreams,
b) common dream theme meanings,
c) re-curing dreams, an explanation/exploration,
d) experiential demonstration
Featured Presenter: Stephen Aizenstat
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is the founding president of Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is a Clinical Psychologist, a Marriage Family Therapist, and a credentialed public schools teacher and counselor. For more than 35 years he has explored the power of dreams through depth psychology and the pursuit of his own research. His areas of emphasis include depth psychology, dream research, the psyche/soma connection in dreamwork, and imaginal and archetypal psychology. A major focus of Dr. Aizenstat’s original research is a psychodynamic process of “tending the living image,” particularly in the context of dreamwork. He extends this work in ways that engage the healing forces of dreams through imaginal “medicines.” Aizenstat’s book, Dream Tending, includes sections on dreamwork and addictions and the craft of transmuting dream images into medicines that can be adjunctive in physical healing. His other recent publications include: Imagination & Medicine: The Future of Healing in an Age of Neuroscience, “Dream Tending and Tending the World,” in Ecotherapy:Healing with Nature in Mind, and “Soul-Centered Education: An Interview with Stephen Aizenstat” in Reimagining Education: Essays on Reviving the Soul of Learning. Dr. Aizenstat has collaborated with many masters in the field, including Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, Robert Johnson, and James Hillman; as well as native elders worldwide. For more information on Dream Tending, visit www.dreamtending.com
The $20 registration fee includes all of the day’s activities and lunch. Pacifica’s $75 application fee will be waived for those who attend.
A Pacifica Dialogue provides you an opportunity to:
- Hear from alumni about their experiences and what they are doing with their degrees
- Explore the grounds of Pacifica’s two campuses—the Lambert Road Campus and the Ladera Lane Campus
- Speak with an Admissions Advisor about winter and fall 2018 enrollment
For additional information, please contact the Admissions Department [email protected]; or, call 805-879-7305.