China Lecture Series
May 30-June 11, 2017
Traveling together, Dr. Stephen Aizenstat and Dr. Joseph Cambray, have embarked on a series of lectures that include:
- Macau City University & Macau DG (China)
- Guangzhou DG (China)
- Taiwan, Republic of China (ROC)
Dr. Aizenstat’s Dream Tending is a life practice that healers, storytellers, and poets have known by many different names for thousands of years. Passed on through generations, the art of tending living dream images emerges when the call to the see the natural world as alive becomes urgent.
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is the Chancellor and Founding President of Pacifica Graduate Institute.
Dr. Cambray’s Jung’s Amplification theory in dream work. The full application of Jungian dream therapy involves an understanding of Jungian Depth Psychology. But his ideas have been assimilated into Humanistic Psychology and the Human Potential Movement in ways that have led to a proliferation of techniques now commonly used, though rarely acknowledged.
Joseph Cambray, Ph.D., is the Interim President and Provost of Pacifica Graduate Institute.
The Global Dream Initiative™ evolved from Dr. Aizenstat’s work in the ‘90s with the Earth Charter, using Dream Tending as an ecological approach to dreams which awakens a way of knowing: that the images of dream live in the “inscape” of all being – now and always here, behind, beneath, surrounding visible reality. Dream images are living constituents of a world alive with psychic vibrancy. Such a perspective requires a way of imagining which remembers that the world, too, is alive and always dreaming.
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