Sugar & Decoloniality 2.0: Cultivating a Mythic Sensibility and Critical Consciousness in Public Health Spaces
Presented by Amber McZeal, Ph.D.
In 2023, the Shape Up SF Coalition & San Francisco Department of Public Health–Healthy Eating Active Living Team embarked on a year-long experiential journey to explore sugar & decoloniality with Dr. Amber McZeal. This 4-part series was a deep dive into WHY decolonizing sugar matters and WHAT approaches to tending the impacts of coloniality on our bodies & communities could look like. This workshop explores how critical inquiry, somatic & imaginal practice, and ancestral reverence can be woven into change efforts at the institutional level.
Location: Room #A-107
Time: 1:15 PM
About Amber
Writer, vocalist, sacred scholar, and artivist, Amber utilizes sound therapy and guided somatic imagery to engage the knowledge of the body within an interactive and liberatory arts practice. In 2018, Amber launched her organization, Decolonizing the Psyche, where she weaves somatic praxis with Afro-Indigenous spiritual technologies and social justice—deep decoloniality—in efforts to end oppression and create more humane social relationships. Amber holds an M.A. in Somatic depth psychology and a Ph.D. in Community, Liberation, Indigenous, and Ecological depth psychology.
For more information: shapeupsfcoalition.org
Email: [email protected]
IG: @decolonizingthepsyche.com