Time: January 19, 2017 to March 1, 2017
Location: online – Times listed are U.S. Pacific Time
Website or Map: http://events.constantcontact…
Event Type: 6-week online symposium & fundraiser
Organized By: Depth Psychology Alliance / Bonnie Bright
Over time, humans in western culture have undergone a profound restructuring of the psyche resulting in a traumatic sense of separation. In modern day, we face a growing set of challenges on ecological and social fronts. Industrial development, technological advancement, consumerism and increasing populations combined with a tendency to value science and rational thought over tending nature are key contributors to the complex situation at hand.
The era of the Anthropocene—a term referring to the significant impact of human activity on the planet— has arrived.
The current crisis requires that we reflect on our situation from a depth psychological perspective, contemplating how we might tap into the underlying archetypal themes at work in the culture and begin to articulate them in ways that inspire and move us to personal and collective action
Presenters (See Bios)
Bonnie Bright
Jerome Bernstein
Michael Conforti
Steven Aizenstat
Susan Rowland
Robert Romanyshyn
Nancy Swift Furlotti
Erel Shalit
Jeff Kiehl
Susannah Benson
Sally Gillespie
Veronica Goodchild
Jonathan Marshall
Co-Host: Toko-Pa Turner
This symposium offers a multi-layered opportunity to engage the topic with peers from a depth psychological perspective, allowing deep reflection and thoughtful response as well as real connection and interaction within the community
Symposium includes:
- 12 video depth dialogues: 12 different scholars/practitioners (see above) discuss aspects of earth, climate and dreams with Bonnie Bright PhD
- written transcripts of each dialogue
- 2 of the video dialogues released each week for viewing (approx 45 mins each)
- 1 live online video discussion session each week allows participants to come together as peers to share feedback and engage in deep discussion. Be prepared to turn your webcam on when you share for a more connected group experience
- Online repository for sharing art, poetry, dreams or writing inspired by the depth dialogues/weekly discussions
Our vision is that the video dialogues, weekly discussions, and art and poetry archives may be expanded and disseminated in the future in a multitude of ways to create ever-growing engagement and inspiration—including the potential development of educational content or curricula for academic use; the creation of multimedia projects such as video or documentary film; as well as inclusion in presentational format to conferences. If you have ideas for these or other potential projects, or would like to collaborate, email us
Video 1-2 available Jan 19. First online group Wed Jan 25
5:30 to 7pm US PST
This is a fundraiser. Registration supports Depth Psychology Alliance, a privately funded initiative that relies on the community to carry out our mission to make depth psychology more accessible in the world
Suggested donation: $179 for 12 expert video dialogues plus 6 weekly live groups, but this is a sliding scale to $29. Inquire about scholarships
Discussions recorded for all registrants