The 34th annual BMCA conference will take place at University of California, Santa Barbara. We hope to see you there! In the meantime, please email Erica, BMCA Lead Conference Administrator or Toni Smith, Conference Chair, with questions.
Self and Other
Valuing Self and Other acknowledges difference and begins to reveal our vibrant interdependence. What somatic practices or rituals foster our ability to meet with a deeper awareness of Self, while finding discovery and heartfelt respect for Other? Can we meet without assuming another’s experience? What does somatic research bring forth?
BMCA would like to express gratitude to 34th BMCA Conference Site Liaison, brooke smiley, for focusing the theme for this event.
August 6/7
Pre-Conference Presenter: Ann Cooper Albright
Cultivating the 3Rs: Responsiveness, Resistance, Resilience
Tuesday, August 6 (2-5:00 PM) and Wednesday, August 7 (9:00 AM-12:00 PM)
August 7 through 10
Main Conference:
Wednesday, August 7 (2-5:30 PM) through Saturday, August 10 (9 AM – 12:00 PM)
August 10/11
Post-Conference Presenter: Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen,
Title TBD
Saturday, August 10 (2-5:00 PM) and Sunday, August 11 (9:00 AM-12:00 PM)
Silent Auction
If you would like to make a donation to our annual Silent Auction, please contact Ellen. The Silent Auction is our only fundraiser outside of our Annual Appeal and helps us continue our mission. Some past donations have been: vacations in Germany and Costa Rica, handmade jewelry, original artwork, session certificates, books, handmade clothing and sweaters, hats, scarves, and much, much more! Please consider a donation and contact Ellen with any questions. You can bring your item or mail it ahead -whatever works best for you!