Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Committe Santa barbara 17th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Weekend Thursday, Jan. 11; 11AM – 12Noon; 12PM – 2PM Reception University of California, [...]
Pacifica Graduate Institute founder and Dream Tending creator Stephen Aizenstat is headed to Chaucer’s Books for a talk and signing of The Imagination Matrix: How to Access the Greatest Power You [...]
Mary Jean Vignone, MBA, Ph.D. Dr. Mary Jean Vignone is an executive coach and organization development consultant passionate about helping her clients thrive professionally and personally. She [...]
Academia: So You Want to Teach? Key Lessons for a Completely. . . Will Linn, PhD Employment for mythologists and archetypal experts is an ever-evolving landscape. Having worked for schools, [...]
Intention Tea Ceremony w/Zhena Muzyka What is an Intention Tea? The tea ceremony, or “chanoyu” in Japanese, is a ritual of intention and quiet reflection. Join Magic Hour master tea blender [...]
Beyond the Red Circle: Discovering Your TEDx-Worthy Idea Presented by Kymberlee, Creator of StorytellingSchool.com Do you believe that deep within you, there’s an idea the world needs to hear yet [...]
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