Board of Distinction for Our Class of 2020
Let’s share a little love and welcome the new Pacifica Graduates to our Alumni Family.
Congratulations from the Alumni Community
Congratulations Class of 2020!!!!
What an awesome group of human beings and what a tremendous accomplishment for you all. May your tribe be long lived and may your work reverberate through the world, bringing consolation and change to those you serve. Blessings to you and your families!
Congratulations Graduates! Exciting, Amazing and Well-Done!
Dear Class of 2020,
“My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your tender heart.”
~ Maya Angelou
My warmest graduation wishes to the class of 2020,
What an unprecedented year to finish your graduate degrees! I salute your perseverance and fortitude in this achievement of a lifetime. We at Pacifica are honor and proud to call you our graduates, and now alumni. We hope you will return often and enrich us with the wisdom you have been acquiring.
Blessings and love... the journey begins...?
Congrats on your degree completion & moving forward with grace & success in your professional endeavors!
Congratulations class of 2020!
You all are an inspiration - navigating the pandemic with a degree in hand. We celebrate you far and wide. -
Congratulations Class of 2020!
I am grateful for the time I was able to share with many of you throughout your tenure at Pacifica, and I wish you all the best.
Here is a poem that made me think of you and your journey:
You're so hard on yourself.
Take a moment.
Sit back.
Marvel at your life: at the grief that softened you, at the heartache that wizened you, at the suffering that strengthened you.
Despite everything, you still grow.
Be proud of this.
To the formidable, admirable, undeniable graduates of 2020...you inspire us! Through fire, water, wind, and now pandemic, you have followed your steady path to your goals and dreams. Your adept clinical intuition will be needed now, more than ever. Thank you for who you are, and what you do and will bring to our collective. I am proud to have called you my students, and now, my colleagues. Heartfelt congratulations to one and all!
To the special class of 2020:
I want to express deepest appreciation to our students for sticking it out with Pacifica Graduate Institute. Through a fire, flood and now, at the end of your tenure, COVID-19, you are walking away with the degree of choice through Pacifica. You are Pacifica strong and I wish you success, prosperity and, above all, health and happiness.
Very sincerely,
Congratulations to all of the PhD and PsyD graduates!
You have gracefully moved from student to scholar and we are all so very proud of you. It's been a pleasure to work with each of you!
Congratulations and sending very warm wishes!
In Celebration of ALL of the 2020 Graduates:
"Shine like the whole Universe in yours."
It really is a lovely sight to see you all receiving your deserved honours…
I know you do for many years ago I went on the same path. I can testify I have never regretted it… Might I also suggest to you especially at this time of crisis our Jungian world, or way of looking at the world appears to me an increasingly relevant way of perceiving and understanding the human experiences we meet. In my own experience it is a lens that many more are seeking to understand and discover as we move beyond more traditional and limited approaches to the mind. I hope you feel you have made a wise choice…
Best wishes for your futures wherever you are!
Yours sincerely,
Keep on dreaming yourself and the world. Your presences are greatly needed.
With love,
Heartfelt congratulations to all.
I know that not being able to celebrate the ritual of your achievement in person, with cohort and family, has been a loss. But the longterm gift of your education and growth will carry you forward in so many ways.
Wishing all of you the best! I am a Nashville, TN native if you need information, connections, or a fellow PGI friend... congratulations on your achievement! Emily
Congratulations, all, especially Dylan, Scott, and Colleen (though I'm not sure you count this year)!!
A huge congratulations to those who have navigated the shifting sands of this pandemic and made it across the finish line. You are amazing and I am so proud of you!
Congratulations class of 2020! What a long strange trip it has been for our Motley throng and friends from other cohorts. You guys did it! I’m so proud and can’t wait to join you as alumni and not a student.
You made it! Congratulations!
On this prestigious occasion, I offer you three words of inspiration to launch you into your life as a Pacifica Alum--Break, Become and Breath.
1. Break: Use this word in the disruptive context that it's given. Breakthrough obstacles and barriers that are perceived to hold you back. Break some rules to move you to where you want to be. You've already created one of the greatest breakthroughs in your life with your graduation achievement. This proves you have the ability and the capacity as a disruptor, destined to make it. Apply what you've learned during this journey to create your breakthroughs in all that you do. And when it gets rough -- give yourself a break too!
2. Become: Michelle Obama's book "Becoming" is not just about her becoming the First Lady, no, this book is about her constant journey of 'becoming' -- which continues even now. You have graduated and become holder of a Masters or Doctorate--this is just the beginning. You are constantly "becoming" and can become whatever you desire. So come to life's party ready to become fabulous, present, phenomenal, great and everything in between. Become your best you and then do it again!
3. Breath: The intimate connection between breathing and well being are documented and as you change one it impacts the other. Breathing is the bridge between the mind and body. Breathing regulates blood pressure and heart rate, calms the brain, and influences emotion, memory and awareness. Use your breath to take in all that's good and to blow out what you don't need. When you're feeling anxious or stressed, calm yourself with slow and steady breaths--blow it out. When feeling passionate or celebratory, breath it in with the exhilaration of excitement. Breath into your new day, and new way, of becoming the breakthrough disruptor that you are as a graduate of Pacifica Graduate Institute!
While you're taking in the glory of the day, remember to give thanks for those who helped you cross this threshold. Giving and Gratitude are partner words that will take you even further than the degree you've mastered.
Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
Congratulations everyone, especially my dear friend Dominic King! Well done. ?
Well done, Class of 2020....
“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.“ - Marie Curie
...YOU DID IT!!!!
Hooray for you! You did it. Awesome. Fabulous. Time for Celebration.
Even though we are in a collective underworld journey, we know that there are rubies and diamonds being forged in our midst; waiting for discovery and a return to the above, to the light.
YOU, as journeyers of the depths, are carriers of these jewels and the world awaits your presence and desperately needs those who can embrace, hold, and reflect the light and love of this tremendous planet; giving an uplift to the human family. Welcome to the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Family, warmly, Jill -
Pomp and Circumstance! WOW! Congratulations ?❣️??❣️??
So glad you made it through this portion of "the hero/heroine's journey."
Sending LOVE, big love, always love!