Father Dream by Mark Hein
MARK HEIN is a semi-retired psychotherapist. He has also enjoyed careers in theater, journalism, and college teaching. Mark has four adult children and lives in Topanga Canyon (Los Angeles), where he writes and draws daily and provides art therapy workshops at a mental hospital.
In FATHER DREAM, we follow a divorced father on a mythic journey led by his four children. Visiting several islands in the Salish Sea, he joins in stories and rituals – including his own perilous quest. Ultimately, he comes to understand his children and himself much more deeply.
The novel grew out of a dream, which I recorded and then amplified using techniques learned in Steve Aizenstat’s “Dream Tending” seminars.
The rituals and stories in it are adapted – by my preconscious mind – from many indigenous traditions in western North America and the eastern Mediterranean.
Father Dream can be found at Amazon.