In Books, Events

Dr. Fanny Brewster Book Launch Event, Friday, August 4

Dr. Fanny Brewster Book Launch Event,
Friday, August 4
4:00-5:30 p.m. PDT (7:00 p.m. EDT)
In person & via Zoom from two locations: 

  • Pacifica Graduate Institute
    South Hall, Lambert Campus
    249 Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA
  • Asheville, NC

Race and the Unconscious: An Africanist Depth Psychology Perspective on Dreaming engages the archetypal African consciousness that enriches our knowledge regarding the foundation mythopoetic of Africanist dreaming. Featuring crucial historical context, Jungian ad post-Jungian theory, clinical cases studies, and dream series interpretations, the book offers readers a rich framework for exploring and understanding the language, images, and symbols of African and African American dreamlife.

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Questions? Please contact: [email protected]

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