A program providing enhanced career assistance for our alumni/ae
“Our vision is to empower Pacifica graduates to transform their education and ambitions into meaningful work.”
Career Fairs
& Workshops
& Workshops
Engage diverse audiences through compelling events customized to align with alumni/ae needs
Create a unified and relevant experience
for all attendees propelled by creativity, strategy and technology

Live & Virtual
Employer Events
Employer Events
Community building through shared values with events that inspire and connect
Instill empowerment and motivation with sense of belonging and teach strategies for lasting impact

Mentor support to develop skills and goal setting by overcoming roadblocks and enriching key relationships

Info Sessions
& Mixers
& Mixers
Expand global reach and both graduate and community audiences
Share interests with imagination and innovative technologies to create empowered life cohorts
Hybrid, in-person and virtual experiences tailored to all audiences
The BEAM Career Fair
is coming September 28
Stay tuned for all the upcoming info!
is coming September 28
Stay tuned for all the upcoming info!