EBSCO has migrated our full text Journals & Ebooks Directory to a new system and interface (very similar to the regular EBSCO database interface), called Full Text Finder and Publication Finder. The primary function of this system is still the same, i.e. providing a directory of all the full text journals and ebooks we provide. It indicates which databases have them, the years they are available for, and provides links to their tables of contents. EBSCO has provided a PDF guide on this change, as well as a video tutorial. This new Directory is available in the same location as the old one, from the library’s website.
Ebrary now provides unlimited access to Jung’s Collected Works to all Pacifica students, faculty, alumni, and staff. This includes downloading, copying, and printing sections. Please see the library’s guide to the Jung Collected Works Complete Digital Edition, as well as our links to ebrary tutorials. Please note that the Collected Works are also available via EBSCO’s eBook Collection.