Robert D. Romanyshyn: An Imaginal Approach to Dream Work
Enhance your imagination as a legitimate and valuable way of knowing and being.
An imaginal approach to dreamwork emphasizes that, in the night theater of soul, we are truly stuff that dreams are made of. A key question for dreamwork is then: How does one work with dreams in the day theater of one’s own life or therapy room? This course explores replies to this question.
Please see the link above to purchase my three classes on
An Imaginal Approach to Dream Work. Once purchased you can watch them at your convenience and as often as you wish. A fourth online class for a Q/A session is scheduled for March 15.
Class One, Preparing to Dream, discusses how the actor who prepares to become a character on stage is an apt model for how the dreamer can prepare to become a figure displayed in the dream. Each crosses a threshold, with the actor preparing for a role by taking up the gestures and styles of the character to be portrayed. Preparing to enter the far country of the dream, the dreamer must lie down, surrender the upright posture of the day world, and open himself/herself to being vulnerable to the landscapes of that other country, its language, and the figures who dwell there.
Class two focuses on the mood of the dream as a possibility of possibility and explores how four key differences between an imaginal approach and psychoanalysis change how the dreamer carries the dream back across the threshold into waking life.
Class three elaborates the theme of class two. Describing nine practices for waking up to the dream, an imaginal approach postpones dream interpretation In place of translating a dream figure into a symbol, the dreamer becomes the dream by enacting its figures.
Robert D. Romanyshyn is an Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, an Affiliate Member of The Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, and a Fellow of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. He is also a Core Faculty Member at Jung Platform.