SHARING IS CARING: During these immense times of crisis, we need one another.
PGIAA has established a CARELINE just in case you need to talk.
Care Packages
When we heard people needed mask and other ‘stay safe’ items, we raced into action with our Care Packages (via delivery or shipped to your front door).
Each package of offers 2 masks; a bandana, hand sanitizer, gloves, pocketsize Kleenx tissues, CareLine cards and a miniature assortment of cleaning products. For more info call Alumni Relations at 805.879.7303
Care Calls
Our Alumni Relations Phone Angels have been busily calling alums both domestic and international for a ‘check-in’ – we want to
Know that you and your loved ones are well; and, to let you know we are a text or phone call away! If you have not heard from
us or if you need help, please call Alumni Relations at 805.879.7303 or text 805.570.7228.
Community Support
We offer a ‘Neighbor-to-Neighbor’ food pantry box upon request – delivery options are available.
For more info call Alumni Relations at 805.879.7303