In Alumni Resources

Pacifica alumni have electronic access to many off-campus resources, including:

  • Over 100,000 ebrary database ebooks
  • The EBSCO Academic Search for Alumni  database containing “over 100,000 full-text journals”
  • Comprehensive ebook encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks in the Cambridge Collections  and Gale Virtual Reference  databases
  • Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology  for information on drug side effects, dosing, and special population use
  • Cabell’s Publishing Directory for Psychology & Psychiatry  to help you find scholarly journals that best match and would most likely accept articles you want to publish

All of those are available from
Your login: YourFirstName.LastName
Your password: your 5-digit student ID number
In addition, alumni can:

  • Check out up to 10 books, dissertations, theses, or audio/ video materials in-person at either the Ladera or Lambert campus libraries. The check-out period is 8 weeks, though non-renewable
  • Use all electronic library resources and systems when on-campus. This includes all online databases, journals, videos, and ebooks
  • Use the Library online catalog for personal research, including being able to place holds
  • Ask for reference services. Pacifica reference librarians can still assist you with your post-degree research interests

For help, contact:
[email protected] or (805) 679-6115
[email protected] or (805) 679-6144

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