Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul: Traveling Jung’s Path through the Black and Red Books
Thursday, January 28th, 6pm-9pm PST.
We are pleased to announce the details for the next webinar of the 2020-2021 Counseling Community Webinar Series, presented by Dr. Heather Taylor-Zimmerman. Please mark your calendars for Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul: Traveling Jung’s Path through the Black and Red Books on Thursday, January 28th, 6pm-9pm PT.
The Counseling Community Webinar Series provides an opportunity for students, alumni, and faculty to engage in rich and meaningful conversation. These events will not be recorded. Please note the Zoom details for the January 28th webinar:
Topic: Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul: Traveling Jung’s Path through the Black and Red Books
Time: January 28, 2021 from 6:00-9:00pm PT
Link: https://zoom.us/j/93423987512?pwd=aTkyVVJTTDJJOVBDdXhSb2c4YXd2dz09
Meeting ID: 934 2398 7512
Passcode: 508272
In this 3-hour experiential webinar, our presenter Dr. Heather Taylor-Zimmerman will guide participants on a journey through The Red Book and newly published Black Books, following in the footsteps of C. G. Jung and the soul. These books comprise the central record for Jung’s inner journey, navigating an archetypal path of personal insight, individuation, and, ultimately, clinical inspiration. Travelling from the head to the heart, Jung called this a “knowledge of the heart” and an “invaluable method” that led to personal and collective transformation. It is a healing and a teaching journey into the depths of the unconscious. Interweaving a visual lecture format with discussion and creative exploration, Heather will introduce Jung’s experience of writing and illustrating his dreams and visions and share how this practice informed the creation of a new psycho-analytic method called Active Imagination. Jung used this technique to guide his patients, including Christiana Morgan who will serve as a secondary example of this practice. Like Jung, Heather will guide us in the process of active imagination and the resulting journaling and artwork will assist us on our own archetypal journeys to health and wholeness. Given the interactive nature of the evening, some supplies are recommended, including a journal or paper (preferably unlined or partially lined), pencil, and coloring supplies (colored pencils, markers, crayons, chalk, or watercolors).
*No art skills or knowledge are required. This is art as creative transformation and liberation—a path or process not a product. To find out more about this path, go to Heather’s website at www.soulofcreativity.com.
Dr. Heather Taylor-Zimmerman is an artist, art historian, and depth psychologist whose work explores creativity from the perspective of imaginal research, therapy, and individuation. She has a doctoral degree in archetypal psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute where she completed her dissertation on C. G. Jung’s art-based methodology from The Red Book. Since graduating Heather has taught related coursework at The Evergreen State College as well as a nature and creativity center that she founded, with upcoming lectures and workshops at Pacifica, TESC, and various Jungian organizations. Most recently she has created an online curriculum to bring Jung’s “invaluable method” of creative active imagination into the world. Heather enjoys speaking at conferences and serves on the board of the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies for whom she is the journal art editor. She publishes and sells her art internationally, specializing in visionary art or art based on the power of symbols as exemplified by The Red Book and named by Jung. Diagnosed with cancer a year ago, Heather has spent the last year undergoing treatments which have extended her work as an art therapist in clinics and facilities to her own healing, exploring the psychosomatic benefits of art as what Jung called a “healing” and “teaching” in her art and life. She is excited to share the transformative and archetypal power of creativity.