Getting to the Heart of Resilience
Join Dr. Jill Griffin for a six session experience of connecting more deeply to your heart’s wisdom and intelligence. Science based practices and techniques guide us to the practical heart so that we have tools to meet the changes and challenges in our external world with a steady and reliable composure.
We will use The HeartMath Experience video series to augment our exploration of heart coherence for the benefit of individual health and well being, for understanding our influence upon the shared social energetic field, and for connecting to the global field environment.
Two possible Groups. Choose ONE group for the time that works best for you.
Start Date for HeartBeat Group: Tuesday & Wednesday, May 19 & 20th, 8:15 to 9:15 pm. Continues: May 26 & 27, and June 2 & 3.
Start Date for Shift Group: Monday & Tuesday, May 18 & 19, 3:30 to 4:30 pm. Continues May 25 & 26, and June 1 & 2.
Cost: $10.00 per session plus tax ($5 off if you get a friend to sign up!)
Please email your interest, state which group you want, and you will be sent an Invoice to Pay via Paypal.
Zoom Link Will Be Sent Prior to Start of Group.