Counseling Community Webinar Series presented by Dr. Susan Rowland
We are pleased to announce the details for the next webinar of the 2020-2021 Counseling Community Webinar Series, presented by Dr. Susan Rowland. Please mark your calendars for Jungian Arts-Based Research: What It Is, Why It Matters, and an Example From Nuclear Enchantment on Thursday, March 4th, 6:00pm-9:00pm PT.
The Counseling Community Webinar Series provides an opportunity for students, alums, and faculty to engage in rich and meaningful conversation. These events will not be recorded. Please note the Zoom details for the March 4th webinar:
Topic: Jungian Arts-Based Research: What It Is, Why It Matters, and an Example From Nuclear Enchantment
Time: March 4, 2021 from 6:00-9:00pm PT
Link: https://zoom.us/j/93423987512?pwd=aTkyVVJTTDJJOVBDdXhSb2c4YXd2dz09
Meeting ID: 934 2398 7512
Passcode: 508272
Webinar description:
Arts-based research is a new paradigm alongside the scientific method and qualitative or quantitative methodologies. While ‘new’ in the sense of recently discovered by the academy, it resembles the ancient practices of alchemy and magic. Mostly developed in the Social Sciences, ABR, is yet to discover the full potential of depth psychology while Jungians have not extended their fascination with art into the powerful domain of arts-based research. In fact, Jungian ABR is astoundingly apposite for Jung in the 21stcentury since it isdoing therapy with the collective, the aim of many recent initiatives. Jungian ABR is also innately multiple, multicultural, flexible and communicative. For all these reasons, the book not only is why we should, and how we can, do Jungian ABR research, it also offers a complete project as an example (PhD sized). Hence I will finish by showing parts of Nuclear Enchantment to demonstrate how this paradigm treats the collective. I also hope for lots of lively discussion.
Susan Rowland (PhD) was Professor of English and Jungian Studies at the University of Greenwich and is now Core Faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute, California. She is past Chair of IAJS and past President of JSSS. Author of ten books on Jungian psychology in relation to literature, gender and the arts, she will speak on her latest with Joel Weishaus, Jungian Arts-Based Research and the Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico.