Clinical Round Table Webinar Part II with Counseling Department Faculty
Thursday, August 27th, 6pm
We are pleased to announce that, by popular demand, the MA Counseling Psychology Program will be hosting another faculty Clinical Round Table as the next in our series of Counseling Community Webinars. After the meaningful experience with our last Clinical Round Table in May, students and alums have steadily been asking for another. We look forward to being in community with you for this event.
Our Clinical Round Table Part II will be held on Thursday, August 27th, from 6pm-8pm. This webinar creates an opportunity for students, alums, and faculty to be in rich clinical conversation. Our round table will tackle a clinical case, presenting their individual case conceptualizations, and then moving into dialog with all attendees. We are pleased to host the following faculty at our Clinical Round Table:
- Ben Heilveil, MA, LMFT
- Marilyn Owen, MA, LMFT
- Alonso Dominguez, MA, LMFT
- Elisabeth Gonella, MA, LMFT
Please use the following Zoom credentials to join the webinar on Thursday, August 27th. We look forward to celebrating the completion of Summer Quarter with all of you, and hearing your voices in this important conversation:
Topic: Counseling Psychology Department Webinar Series V: Clinical Roundtable
Date/Time: Aug 27, 2020 6:00-8:00 PM PT
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/96977697026?pwd=L0RYaStqbm15alRZZThVQm1wMjh5QT09
Meeting ID: 969 7769 7026
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