The Myth Salon with Dr. Connie Zweig
Against the backdrop of the current coronavirus pandemic, I am particularly excited to announce the upcoming Zoom Web Myth Salon with Dr. Connie Zweig on Thursday May 14 at 5PM PST. She reminds us that, “within each of us, the dim cavern of the unconscious holds our forbidden feelings, secret wishes, destructive impulses, and creative urges. Over time, these forces take on a life of their own, forming an intuitively recognizable figure, which Carl Jung called the personal Shadow. A recurring theme in myth and literature, the shadow is like an invisible twin, a stranger that is us, yet not us — Mephistopheles, Mr. Hyde, Darth Vader, Satan.” In this Myth Salon, we will explore: the Shadow as an archetype within the psyche, how one’s Shadow forms as part of the human psyche; what happens when we deny the Shadow; what happens when the Shadow acts out; and how we cab form a more conscious relationship to our shadows, or “romance” them, as Dr. Zweig puts it. Finally, we’ll uncover the “gold in the dark side” in each of us.
This is the link to register for the Myth Salon with Dr. Connie Zweig:
When: Thursday May 14 at 5:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Dr. Connie Zweig is a retired therapist, wife and grandma, a former faculty member at Pacifica, a writer, mentor, a sought-after conference speaker, and meditation practitioner of 50 years. She is author of Meeting the Shadow, Romancing the Shadow, Meeting the Shadow of Spirituality, and the novel A Moth to the Flame, The Life of Sufi Poet Rumi. She is currently completing The Inner Work of Age: How to Shift from Role to Soul.
The Myth Salon Panelists
Dr. Dana White: producer, contributing faculty – Pacifica, co-founder and host – the Myth Salon
Dr. Will Linn: director of general education – Studio School, co-founder and moderator – the Myth Salon
Dr. Dennis Slattery: author, scholar, faculty – Pacifica
Dr. Zaman Stanizai: author, scholar, faculty – Pacifica
Dr. Elizabeth Nelson: author, scholar, faculty – Pacifica
Dr. Vorris Nunley: author, scholar, professor – University of California, Riverside
Dr. Selina Matthews: author, clinical depth psychologist