The Myth Salon serves those involved with Jungian, Depth Psychology and cultural studies. Each month, attendees gather in the living room of Dana White’s Santa Monica home from 7-9pmand is moderated by Dr. Will Linn.
On Wednesday April 25, Dr. Raïna Manuel-Paris will guide the Myth Salon through an in-depth exploration of the Archetypes of the Tarot, including the transformational nature of the first 22 cards of the Tarot that form the Major Arcanas. The Tarot provides the means to interpret dream images from the collective unconscious. The interpretation represents the great movements of a human life at the soul level, what we all go through during a lifetime. Their archetypal power holds both the light and the shadow, transcending duality and pointing us toward wholeness, and yielding a deeper knowledge of ourselves and our personal connection to the world. Her presentation will contain an experiential part where she will perform readings for those attending the Myth Salon.
Raised in France and England until her early 20’s before coming to the US, Dr. Raïna Manuel-Paris was born of a French Father and a Dominican mother. She holds a Masters Degree in Film from Columbia University, and has taught Magic and Ritual and Myth and Symbol for the last 15 years, after receiving her doctorate in Pacifica’s Myth program. She is the author of The Mother to be’s Dream Book (Warner Books, 2002). Her documentary film “The Bridges of My Father” was selected for the short film corner at the Cannes Film Festival in 2009. More recently her article on “Trauma, War and Spiritual Transformation” appeared in Psychological Perspectives, the journal of Jungian thought.
Then, on Thursday, May 17, the Myth Salon is immensely privileged that Jerome Bernstein, who is traveling to Orange County from Santa Fe, as a special guest speaker for the 43rd Annual Jungian Conference the following weekend, will be sharing with us his wisdom and insight in a presentation entitled: Borderland Consciousness: Climate Change and the Western Psyche.
The Global Warming Crisis results from the Western psyche’s dissociation from nature and the spirit dimension of life. Expelled from the Garden of Eden, Western humanity left behind a form of consciousness that among Native peoples is still deeply evident. This consciousness is now manifesting on a collective level according to what Jerome Bernstein calls Borderland Consciousness, an evolutionary compensation for Western man’s overspecialized Dominion ego.
In a review of Jerome Bernstein’s Living in the Borderland: The Evolution of Consciousness (link below), psychotherapist Van Waddy writes, “Bernstein sees the very structure of our western psyche evolving in a way that is allowing our overspecialized ego to connect once again with its natural psychic roots in nature. He sees this happening in what he calls the Borderland personality – an individual with a heightened sensitivity to and apprehension of nonrational, archetypal reality in such a way he or she has a feeling connection with nature and the natural world as a living, breathing organism and can listen to that nonhuman, archetypal, spiritual reality in an I-Thou relationship.”
Here are four links related to Jerome Bernstein:
Orange County Jungian Conference: http://www.junginoc.org/2018-
Atlanta Review: http://www.jungatlanta.com/
Speaking of Jung: https://speakingofjung.com/
APA Bernstein book review: http://www.apadivisions.org/