Lecture: Engaging the Other through Art and the Feminine
The feminine haunts modernity as the Other to its hyper-rational and patriarchal assumptions. For this reason, Dr. Rowland suggests that C. G. Jung’s overall project was the recovery of the feminine to shore up a fatally fragile masculine consciousness. On the one hand, Jung’s anima is a flawed creature caught up with his own shadow. On the other hand, the feminine is empowered by Jung in the trickster arts of his own writing. The Collected Works return the Other as feminine creativity that converts the cultural production of art into the individuation that the age so sorely requires. Visionary art in any genre is the culture’s necessary dream. This lecture explores Jung’s feminine as route and root of the Other, one that is endlessly re-created in the arts.
Workshop: Feminine Encounters in the Arts: Writing the Feminine Mysteries and Modern Painting as Coniunction
The morning workshop will deepen understanding of the feminine in writing, in particular the novel genre as a whole. Moreover, we will explore the literary detective as modern mythological hero re-imagined through goddesses returning to modernity in art. There will also be a creative writing exercise in finding symbols in re-connecting with the body and nature. Active imagination finds the divine in psychic images that want to enter into being through creative practice.
The afternoon workshop will seek an encounter with the feminine through the paintings of Georgia O’Keeffe. Jung often spoke about modern art as symbolic of a dismembering of cultural mores. However, by bringing into relationship Jung’s view of alchemy with O’Keeffe’s modernist paintings, we will consider how her work additionally reveals a feminine impulse towards union. There will also be a collage exercise in which to creatively engage with these ideas.
Susan Rowland, Ph.D.,is Chair of MA Engaged Humanities and the Creative Life at Pacifica Graduate Institute, teaches in the doctoral program in Jungian and Archetypal Studies, and is author of books on Jung and literary theory including C. G. Jung in the Humanities, The Ecocritical Psyche: Literature, Evolutionary Complexity and Jung, The Sleuth and the Goddess in Women’s Detective Fiction, and most recently Remembering Dionysus: Revisioning Psychology and Literature in C.G. Jung and James Hillman (2017).
Lisa A. Pounders, M.A., holds two M.A.’s from Pacifica Graduate Institute and is currently working on her Ph.D. dissertation in its Depth Psychology program. She has published in the International Journal of Jungian Studies and the Personality Type in Depth journals, and works as an instructor, artist, poet, and creative mentor in Santa Fe.
Rich Ryan, Ph.D., M.S.W., L.I.S.W., is a Jungian Analyst, clinical psychologist and social worker. He received his Ph.D. from Pacifica Graduate Institute and trained at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. He teaches for the InterRegional Society of Jungian Analysts and practices in Santa Fe.
Marilyn Matthews, M.D., is a psychiatrist and Jungian analyst practicing in Santa Fe. She has had a long-standing interest in women’s silence/women’s voices and has published a number of papers on this theme.
Friday, October 12, 2018
7 pm – 9 pm $10
2 CEUs or 2 Cultural CEUs
(+$10 surcharge for CEUs)
Saturday, October 13, 2018
9 am – 4:30 pm $80
6 CEUs or 6 Cultural CEUs
Center for Spiritual Living
505 Camino de los Marquez
Santa Fe
For information contact
Rich Ryan