Ladera Medicine Wheel
Jacqueline Leeba, M.A. (Depth Psychology, 2012)
| originally posted 11 Feb 2013
Whether you are looking for inner wisdom, or calming harmony and insights, the final Depth Psychology cohort of Track K (3rd year, 2012) offers as its parting gift a Medicine Wheel as a living tool of ceremonial depth, in gratitude for our experience at Pacifica.
Jung identified five prominent groups of instinctive factors: creativity, activity, sexuality, hunger, and reflection. Reflection is one of the most potent instincts that has been severely minimized and therefore most often forgotten, leaving many wondering today how to self-reflect. The Medicine Wheel is one way to help address this neglected instinct, and a blessed place for group, relational, or individual forms of self-reflection while considering issues from multiple perspectives.
You will find the Wheel on the Ladera Campus, nestled in the trees off the road beyond the main front parking lot. A sign has now been installed containing suggested uses from two different traditions. Feel free to take a copy. And please replenish if you discover the copies running low.
There are even more far richer and deeper ways to use the wheel for the medicine it offers through the insights shared in the bookstore and library, and through Dr. Betsy Perluss, Pacifica’s very own guide and faculty member with the School of Lost Borders.
In the tradition of many Native Americans, some who once walked this land, you can now follow this ancient path leading to sublime inner connection here at Pacifica. May this be a special place for many special unfoldings on your own unique journey at Pacifica.