Introduction to Black History with Hummingbird Dixon
In this introductory course of Black History, students will learn about Black religions, activists, artists, and inventors from Africa to the United States. Also, in this course, students will learn to demystify the Hollywood version of African traditions, knowing that it is a rich nature-based tradition filled with story-telling, science, mysticism, joy, balance, harmony, beauty, power, and much more.
Monday • February 21st, 2022
6:30pm – 8:30pm
No Prerequisite
No required books or supplies,
except an Open Mind & Open Heart!
Facilitated by Hummingbird Dixon, RScP
Latonia “Hummingbird” Dixon, a licensed practitioner at Vision CSL, has been studying African and African American religions for over 15 years. As an instructor in the Humanities Department at Napa Valley College, she has taught “Comparative Religion” and “Philosophy of Religion.” As well, she has also taught “Female Alchemy,” “Sacred Geometry,” and “Astro Basic,” workshops for over 15 years. Her students have described her as being inspiring, fun, and knowledgeable.