As part of my dissertation journey for the past 2 years, I’ve created origami cranes with prayers connecting my work to global needs. I’ve created a couple mobiles using the cranes and would like to give one to Pacifica. My hope would be to have it placed outside on the grounds of the Ladera campus, since that is where I attended classes… the mobile is made of all natural materials.
It is made of paper, bambo, wire and string… it does not have to be protected… the intention & hope for its use is that it can be hung outdoors from one of the trees on campus… ideally something near Barrett hall or the dinning hall… it is meant to be out in the elements & biodegrade with time…. the size is approximately 2 feet in length and 1 foot diameter… the dried bambo sticks form the top of the mobile, there are 5 strands each with 25 origami cranes….
The intention was always to have it be something placed outside and not anything that would be permanent…. I was inspired by the peace garden at La Casa de Maria.
Special thanks to Marshall Chrostowski for working with me to find just the right place on the Ladera Lane Campus.