In Alumni in Action, Alumni Resources, Events, News & Announcements, Toast

2022: A Toast Heard ‘Round the World is here!

Marking its tenth year, Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association (PGIAA) is gearing up for its annual global celebration “A Toast Heard ‘Round the World” on New Year’s Eve.

We cordially invite you to join us tomorrow evening beginning at 7:00 p.m. PST for Cocktails (BYOC) and Opening of the Toast Network featuring Harry Grammer and Dianne Travis-Teague!

The “Open Mic” segments will showcase guests who are dropping in to share ‘special news’ from their year 2021. Additionally, you will want to “register your presence” for an opportunity to win a Round Trip United Airlines Domestic Ticket—anywhere in continental United States! Additionally, you will not want to miss this year’s extraordinary program!

Then, at 12 midnight, wherever in the world you are, PGIAA alumni and friends are encouraged to raise a glass and Tweet, Facebook, or Instagram their dreams for the coming year using the hashtag #toastpacifica.

Join us at 7:00pm here!

Or go to our website for the live feed at:!

Happy New Year!

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