Statement of Intention
As a nonprofit charitable and educational organization, Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association (PGIAA) promotes the personal and professional development of its members and fosters idea sharing and positive, dynamic relationships among PGI alumni, PGI, and the broader community.
With more than 3,000 members, PGIAA works to cultivate and deepen PGI alumni’s connections with PGI and the public, offering particular attention to assisting and advancing PGI alumni in the pursuit of intellectual growth, vocational excellence, and public service.
Established in 2011 in affiliation with the PGI Office of the Chancellor, PGIAA strives to stimulate interest, increase involvement, and support the intellectual, spiritual, imaginal, altruistic, and professional callings of PGI alumni.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association (PGIAA) is to develop and operate an educational and charitable organization that supports PGI alumni and others in the community in the pursuit of developing their intellectual, spiritual, altruistic, and professional capabilities.
To further its mission, PGIAA will develop and operate an alumni association for PGI alumni that will engage in varied charitable and educational activities and programs, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Promoting idea sharing, personal growth, professional development, and public service opportunities through fostering relationships and strengthening connections among PGI alumni and with the community at large.
- Providing opportunities to stimulate interest and learning among PGI alumni and the general public in various areas of study, including, in particular, those pursued by PGI alumni, such as psychology, the humanities, and mythological studies.
- Offering programs and activities of an educational and/or charitable nature to PGI alumni and local communities (where applicable), such as:
- Structured mentoring and “buddy” programs and support networks among PGI alumni to help them develop professionally and promote the exchange of ideas in their respective fields of study;
- Merit and/or need-based scholarship programs for students attending PGI;
- Public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures on topics in PGI alumni’s fields of study, such as community writer’s symposiums, alumni film series, and mental health seminars;
- Events centered around charitable and/or educational activities that offer alumni the opportunity to connect with each other while “doing good” and/or learning, such as nonprofit fund-raisers, community environmental clean-up projects, educational retreats, etc.
- Community outreach programs (particularly in under-served areas), such as junior high/high school student mentoring and tutorial programs.
PGIAA Bylaws
PGIAA came into legal existence by becoming incorporated in the State of California and receiving 501c Non-Profit Status from the Internal Revenue Service on April 17, 2013 for the purposes of developing and operating an educational and charitable membership alumni association that supports both the alumni of Pacifica Graduate Institute and the wider community in their support of developing their intellectual, spiritual, altruistic, and professional capabilities.