Coffee with a Black Guy
A community conversation on current issues.
Coffee with a Black Guy community conversations provides an opportunity to engage in authentic conversation about race and perspective.
CWABG started in 2016 following months of racial and ethnic tumult in American society and beyond. The sessions provide an interactive experience rooted in convening authentic conversation about issues of diversity, inclusion, race, privilege, and perspective.
These community conversations are a time to share stories, have conversations, impart perspective, or just listen and learn from fellow citizens of the world. CWABG seeks to merge the physical and digital worlds to bring greater understanding, compassion, empathy, and love. The community-building platform has grown to a sustainable movement to help move our country forward, one conversation at a time.
Event starts at 1:30, on December 3rd — conversation kicks off at 2 p.m.
This event is sponsored by: Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association, Hospice of Santa Barbara & accepting more.
Event partners: Comfort Food Studios, Oniracom and LoDo Studios.
Space is limited – Reserve your seat NOW!