Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association
General Fund
The Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association’s (PGIAA) mission is to develop and operate an educational and charitable organization that supports alumni in their efforts to serve their communities.
Dedicated to Positive Change and Public Service
Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association (PGIAA) operates as an educational and charitable organization that supports alumni from the Pacifica Graduate Institute in their efforts to serve their communities in the pursuit of developing intellectual, spiritual, altruistic, and professional capabilities. Your donation will support varied charitable and educational programs, including, but not limited to:
- Providing a CareLine telephone service for alumni and the public to utilize during time of need. It came into existence as a way to assist with two local emergencies (the Thomas Fire and subsequent devastating mudslides) by offering free, temporary services for First Responders—many of whom experienced intense emotional, physical, and psychological stresses along with their own families. Approximately 125 trained mental health care professionals volunteer to respond to calls on this service.
- Grief Network – a support group that provides grief counseling and offers The Seed & Flame Grief Box, created by Patricia Danaher (2018 MA Mythological Studies), which is a beautiful living memorial to lost loved ones. Inspired by the Japanese tradition of Jizo, each box contains a handmade figurine, a handmade planter pot, kimono fabric, seeds, incense, ribbon and a friendly guide to creating your own living memorial.
- The Offering of free, public programs and activities focused on educational and charitable events such as the Pondering Peace weekend.
- Providing need-based scholarship programs for students attending the Institute, (i.e., our 2021 Awards:“An Evening of Hope.” Click here to view highlights.)
- Providing public discussion groups, forums, panels, and lectures on topics in the alumni’s fields of study, such as community writer’s symposiums, alumni film series, and mental health seminars. These events also offer the opportunity to connect with each other while “doing good” and/or learning, such as non-profit fund-raisers, community environmental cleanup projects, educational retreats, etc.
- Community outreach programs (particularly in under-served areas), such as junior high/high school student mentoring and tutorial programs.
Please Give
Your tax-deductible contribution to the PGIAA General Fund provides support where it’s needed most. You can make a donation today at: