Our Community’s Safety Net: Unity Shoppe
PGIAA is a proud sponsor of Unity Shoppe
In A Year Like No Other...
25,000 residents have become jobless since the start of Covid-19. 85% of those seeking help from Unity during this period are new clients. Between March and October we’ve seen 4x the number of client visits than this time last year.
What Unity Shoppe Does:
- Gives away $360 in food per family of 4 each month.
- Ensures it’s free of charge, highly nutritious, chosen by the client.
- Delivers custom-bagged groceries to anyone who can’t shop in person.
- Insists on supporting residents in need with dignity and respect.
What It Costs To Live In Santa Barbara
$1,951 in rent, $589 medical, $704 per child/childcare, $664 food (that’s nearly $47,000) not including transportation, taxes, or other expenses. Of the 145,000 families who call SB County home, 12.6% live in poverty, earning less than $26,200 per year.
Why It Matters So Much
Unity Shoppe’s clients are primarily the working poor – hourly wage earners in healthcare, hospitality, construction, landscape, food prep, and more. Earning too much to qualify for government support, but too little to live, work, or raise a family in our Community. Many are multi-generational families who often fall through the cracks.
Our Community’s Safety Net For Over 100 Years
Supporting all those who face unforeseen crises.
Providing essential services, including food, clothing, emergency relief, senior care, volunteerism programs, job training, and holiday gifts.
Your gift today will help us replenish stock levels in Unity’s Essential Services Center.
1209 State Street — www.unityshoppe.org — 805-979-9511