Karin Zirk: Judi Bari, Redwood Summer, and the True Price of Activism
Sunday, May 17 – 3pm
Author and environmental activist Dr. Karin E. Zirk, will read from her new novel Falling from the Moon, set in the summer of 1990, Redwood Summer.
One protagonist is a college student we meet at a fictionalized protest of thousand-year-old redwood trees being sent to Japan.
Inspired by Judi Bari, social justice activist and organizer of Redwood Summer, Karin will talk about Bari’s work and the “True Price of Activism.”
Originally part of the 2nd Sunday Women Author Series a collaboration between San Diego Writers, Ink & Women’s Museum of California
Now an online event in light of the pandemic….
This event will take place online. To register for this Zoom online event, click here.