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The In-Between: A Lecture from Raïna Manuel-Paris, PhD

We have been plunged, apparently without warning, into a world of In-Between, what anthropologists Van Gennep and Turner call Liminality. What is liminality? What is its importance and its meaning? How is it playing out in our current zeitgeist? How do we relate to the uncertainty and chaos we find ourselves in? Where do we turn to? Has Nature put up a mirror for us to look into and if so what does it mean? What is our most important task at this time? Are we waging a war? Against whom? These questions occurred to me as I was writing this talk and perhaps some of these have occurred to you as well. This is my very humble attempt at answering some of them. Perhaps the beginning of a different conversation.

In service of a handmade and mythical life,

Please join me for:

The In-Between:
A Lecture from Raïna Manuel-Paris, PhD

Tuesday, April 21st
at Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles online

Please reserve your spot through the EventBrite page here.

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