Black History Month 2023: Dissertations and Theses from Pacifica Alumni
In celebration of Black History Month 2023: Dissertations and Theses from Pacifica Alumni This list is a compendium of writings and research that covers a broad gamut of individual and group [...]

ASPRS Announces May 2023 GeoByte Webinar
ASPRS Announces May 2023 GeoByte Webinar SeaSketch 2.0: A New, Free and Open-source Software Service for Map-based Surveys and Collaborative Geodesign from alum Will McClintock. May 5th at 12 [...]

Rev. Dr. David N. Moore, Jr.
Rev. Dr. David N. Moore, Jr. Lead Pastor, New Covenant Worship Center The Rev. Dr. David N. Moore, Jr. is an ecumenical teacher and author. He attributes his love for the world to seeing it [...]

Jordan Killebrew
Jordan Killebrew Director of Communications at the Santa Barbara Foundation and Co-Founder of Juneteenth Santa Barbara Jordan Killebrew (he, him, his) is a Queer Black person with an abnormal [...]

Isaac Garrett
Isaac Garrett Isaac Garrett has been a resident of Santa Barbara since 1960 He and his wife Alice raised 3 boys in Santa Barbara. Isaac’s primary and secondary education was in Louisiana. [...]

James Joyce, III
James Joyce, III Civil Rights Activist, Social Entrepreneur, and Founder & Chief Visionary Officer, Coffee with a Black Guy Initially launched in the summer of 2016, CWABG serves as a safe [...]